Intercontinental Exchange, Inc

  • IC2
  • 1d-1.92%
  • 1w-1.07%
  • 1m-0.79%
  • 1y27.73%
  • ATH Price$868,534.00
  • ATH Date2012-05-17
  • % since ATH-99.99%
  • % to ATH708,213.49%
  • ATL Price$5.09
  • ATL Date2005-12-29
  • % from ATL2,309.23%
  • Last Low Price$16.3008
  • Last Low Date2012-12-27
  • % From Last Low652.23%
  • IPO Price$29.30
  • % Current ROI USD418.50%
  • ATH Price$868,534.00
  • % ROI ATH 1,706,487,739.70%

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Key Data [addtoany]

Current price $122.62
Sector Financial Services
Industry Financial Data & Stock Exchanges
Today's High/Low $122.66/$122.62
Volume 1.00
Previous Close $125.02
52 Week High/Low $128.4/$92.2566
Market Cap 70,336,798,720.00
P/E Ratio 31.132
Forward P/E 1 Yr. $23.15
Earnings Per Share(EPS) $5.23
Annualized Dividend $0.0134