what is stocks market?

The stocks market is a system for making, shifting and using capital. It’s usually thought of as organized around companies – stocks, bonds and other financial instruments are traded on exchanges so the price of each security is available at any time. The trading activity has an effect on society because it allocates resources between competing uses. For example, some companies may be able to invest in new technologies more efficiently than others, so the changing prices on stocks and bonds enable investors to coordinate these decisions.

The price of stock market security fluctuates depending on demand for it – which encourages people to buy when they think its value is going up, but sell it when they think the opposite. Thus this market process enables investors to coordinate the activity of producers – by deciding when it’s best for companies to expand, etc.

How to check stocks market activity?

The stock market is also often viewed as a way of allocating ownership of capital goods – ie giving control over some capital assets to those people who are most competitive at using them. For example, if someone figures out how to produce goods more efficiently than everyone else, the price of their stock would rise. This will prompt other people to invest in them so they can share in their future gains.

Stock market activity is also viewed as information intensive – where the prices for all available financial instruments are available at any time, giving everyone an incentive to figure out what’s going on. Smart investors are reacting to the information they have, while trying to get information about what everyone else is doing – so they can figure out what opportunities are available.

What stock is safest to buy?

It’s impossible to say what stock is safest to buy – you can make an argument for any stock, since their price fluctuates with demand.

What are the major indices?

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) was created in 1896 by Charles Henry Dow and Edward Jones. It is one of the most common indices used today, and can be thought of as a basket of 30 stocks meant to reflect the composition of the American economy.

The S&P 500 was created in 1957 by Standard & Poor’s, and is perhaps the most widely followed index for large-cap companies. It’s basically a basket put together with 511 components to create a diversified portfolio.

The S&P 500 is used as a benchmark for many financial products like mutual funds and (of course) ETFs.